18 June 2013
Computational Techniques in Modeling and Simulation
Victor Krasnoproshin, Anna M. Gil Lafuente, Constantin Zopounidis
NOVA Publishers, 2013
The present volume is concerned with Computational Techniques in Modeling and Simulation. Initially, there are four research papers and apart from those, the rest of the research papers are coming from the International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (MS’2012), held in Minsk, 2-4 May 2012.
MS'12 was co-organized by the AMSE Association and the Belarusian State University in cooperation with other scientific establishments: the Belarusian Academy of Sciences (United Institute of Problems of Informatics), the Belarusian Society of International Association of Pattern Recognition and the International Association for Fuzzy Set Management and Economy (SIGEF, Spain). The Conference was sponsored by the Belarusian State University and Byelex Multimedia Products BV (The Netherlands). It offered a unique opportunity for researchers, professionals and students to share ideas concerning modeling, simulation and implementation of the results in the real world.
We would like to thank all contributors, referees, honorary committees for their co-operation within MS'12, in particular: Jaime Gil Aluja (AMSE President), Sergey Ablameyko (the Rector of the Belarusian State University) as honorary chairmen.
Further information about the book is available here.